Prayers and Reflections

Life in the Spirit is what St. Teresa names in You are Christ’s Hands. We are called to stillness and listening to meet God, and we are also called to be the feet, hands, eyes, ears, face of the Holy One. Experiencing this delicate balance between nourishing the Spirit within and living it in community is challenging. With the help of a spiritual guide, we notice how we are called to nourish both God within and call to action, this life-spirit dance.

I experience God’s grace in the quiet, strengthening my relationship with the Divine, and then I find it to be reflective in my thoughts and actions. I see how this happens for others and this affects my approach to SD. In a spiritual direction session, there is time for quiet prayer, a time to be still and listen, softening and opening our hearts to the wisdom that is already within you. There is space to become more attentive to God’s call for your life. Silence in SD, as well as in the everyday, reveals God to us and also reveals what Thurman calls the “inner authority, that place within each of our hearts, where we discover who we are created to be, the strength and purpose that enables us to live the lives we are called to live — and, just possibly, to change the world in the meantime.”

I find this incredibly powerful and find it deeply rewarding to explore with a trusted spiritual companion. 

How comfortable are you with silence? 

What does inner authority mean to you? 

How are you called to live life in the Spirit?